Brasov Stalin Tampa

Was once stalin city.
Brasov stalin tampa. Mai exact odată cu instaurarea noului regim în românia numele brașovului este schimbat cu cel de stalin. Pentru a marca noile modificările marile puteri au decis ca 14 orașe din 14 țări să primească numele de stalin în onoarea marelui conducător. Nu poate fi calificata nici de sumbra nici cu alte adjective aiurea. Unii spun că numele vine de la cetatea din oraş alţii că provine de la râu din localitate.
In the years 1950 1960 a tourist who wanted to come by train to the foot of the tâmpa mountain could not ask for a ticket to brasov for the city officially existed no more. Since then the forest has regrown and the hillside is now a. Poiana brasov bore also the name of poiana stalin see 3rd picture. Pe certificatul meu de nastere original scrie orasul stalin si nu ma deranjeaza absolut deloc.
The town s original defense fortress was built on this mount but when vlad tepes the impaler attacked brasov in 1459 1460 the citadel was dismantled and forty merchants were impaled on the top of mount tampa. Câțiva ani mai târziu după ce brașovul a fost redenumit orașul stalin s a demarat o acțiune de plantare a copacilor pe versantul dinspre oraș astfel încât cu brazi să fie scris distinct stalin. In the early 1950s after braşov was renamed orașul stalin see list of places named after stalin the authorities started planting fir trees so that the word stalin would be clearly visible from the city. Mount tampa is a forested mountain on the east side of the city.
Over the years vegetation has blurred the word made out by the trees. Originea numelui braşovului este şi acum disputată de istorici. The name of this town was transformed into stalin. Powered up by the accelerated industrial development during communism brasov became the city of stalin a city that nonetheless found the courage to revolt against the shortages and absurdity of the regime in 1987.
Brasov is often referred to as the city at the foot of mount tampa. Orașul stalin în 19 august 1946 pădurea de pe tâmpa a suferit un grav incendiu. Faptul ca s a revenit la denumirea brasov in 1960 in plina perioada de destalinizare a fost normal si binevenit. Denumirea orasul stalin face parte din istoria urbana a asezarii.
In the 1950 s when brasov was named orasul stalin stalin city trees were removed so that stalin s name appeared on the hillside facing the old town. Stephanopolis orașul stalin another historical name used for brașov is stephanopolis 13 from stephanos crown and polis city.