141 Ad Mission In Dacia Movie

Http watchmoviez xyz movie 651723 year 141 after christ in the roman province of dacia.
141 ad mission in dacia movie. Director and writer octavian repede s 141 a d. Check out our review. O apariție neobișnuită a unei comete este observată pe cerul nopții. Mission in dacia full movie in hd visit.
An unusual appearance of a comet is observed. The year is 141 a d. în aceste zile înspăimântătoare o epidemie mortală în rândul soldaților cantonați se răspândește într un fort roman la granița provinciei dacia. Anul 141 după hristos provincia romană dacia.
The astrologers think it is a bad sign that will bring misfortune and. A comet piercing through the blackness of the night sky. Low budget but historically accurate roman military adventure. Mission in dacia 2018 141 a d.
Prezicătorii cred că este un semn rău care va aduce nenorocire și moarte. Making this title even more interesting. As i m sure you ve guessed 141 a d. With sword yielding men in armoured attires vast landscapes of virgin forests and a doomed fort the premise is set for a solid historical drama.
In the roman province of dacia. When a deadly epidemic spread in the roman forts of province dacia in the year 141 centurion marcus of the fifth legion macedonica is sent beyond empire s borders to find a cure for the plague on the uncharted territories of the barbarians. Mission in dacia is a period piece taking place in 141 a d. Mission in dacia 12 imdb 6 2 1h 22min 2018 13 when a deadly epidemic spread in the roman forts of province dacia in the year 141 after christ centurion marcus of the fifth legion macedonica army is sent beyond empire s borders to find a cure for the plague on the uncharted free territories of the dacians barbarians.
Four roman solders are sent on a special mission to find a cure for a deadly plague in the independent feature film 141 a d. Nomination best foreign feature reel east texas film festival 2018. An unusual appearance of a comet is observed on the night sky. These were the times when christianity.
Mission to dacia. See full summary. A plague stripping humanity of life itself as a small group of romans desperately search for answers and a cure.